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LV-10 | Leonardo Elementary series violin outfit

violin outfit, laminated, nitro varnish, blackened hardwood fittings, finetuner tailpiece, case

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LV-15 | Leonardo Elementary series violin outfit

violin outfit, all solid, nitro varnish, blackened hardwood fittings, finetuner tailpiece, case

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LV-1544-PK | Leonardo Elementary series violin outfit 4/4

violin outfit 4/4, all solid, blackened hardwood fittings, finetuner tailpiece, case, bow, pink


LV-1534-PK | Leonardo Elementary series violin outfit 3/4

violin outfit 3/4, all solid, blackened hardwood fittings, finetuner tailpiece, case, bow, pink


LV-16 | Leonardo Elementary series violin outfit

violin outfit, all solid, nitro varnish, ebony fittings, finetuner tailpiece, case, bow

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LV-20 | Leonardo Student series violin outfit

violin outfit, all solid, European flamed maple, ebony fittings, oblong case, bow

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LV-50 | Leonardo Maestro series violin outfit

violin outfit, antique varnish, well flamed, ebony fittings, bow, luxe oblong case

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LVA-20 | Leonardo Student series viola outfit 16.5" (42.5cm)

viola outfit 16.5" (42.5cm), all solid, flamed, ebony fittings, finetuner tailpiece, case, bow

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LC-10 | Leonardo Elementary series cello outfit

cello outfit, laminated, nitro varnish, blackened hardwood fittings, bag and bow

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LC-20 | Leonardo Elementary series cello outfit

cello outfit, all solid, nitro varnish, ebony fittings, bag and bow

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LC-27 | Leonardo Student series cello outfit

cello outfit, all solid, mat nitro varnish, well flamed, ebony fittings, bag and bow

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LB-100 | Leonardo Elementary series double bass

double bass, laminated, nitro varnish shaded, blackened hardwood fingerboard, with bag and bow

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DB-134-BK | Leonardo Elementary series double bass 3/4

double bass 3/4, laminated, glossy black, blackened hardwood fingerboard, bag and bow


EV-30-BN | Leonardo electric violin with modern design

electric violin with modern design, pre-amp, with bow, case, headphones, shoulder rest


EV-50-W | Leonardo electric violin with Shadow active element

electric violin with Shadow active element, with case, headphones and ELS FBV-10 fiber bow


EC-50-B | Leonardo electric cello

electric cello, Shadow active element, with bag, bow and headphones


EB-50-BK | Leonardo electric double bass

electric double bass, with active pickup, bag, bow and headphones


LV-1044 | Leonardo Elementary series violin outfit 4/4 4/4

violin outfit 4/4, laminated, nitro varnish, blackened hardwood fittings, finetuner tailpiece, case


LV-1034 | Leonardo Elementary series violin outfit 3/4 3/4

violin outfit 3/4, laminated, nitro varnish, blackened hardwood fittings, finetuner tailpiece, case


LV-1012 | Leonardo Elementary series violin outfit 1/2 1/2

violin outfit 1/2, laminated, nitro varnish, blackened hardwood fittings, finetuner tailpiece, case


LV-1014 | Leonardo Elementary series violin outfit 1/4 1/4

violin outfit 1/4, laminated, nitro varnish, blackened hardwood fittings, finetuner tailpiece, case


LV-1018 | Leonardo Elementary series violin outfit 1/8 1/8

violin outfit 1/8, laminated, nitro varnish, blackened hardwood fittings, finetuner tailpiece, case


LV-1016 | Leonardo Elementary series violin outfit 1/16 1/16

violin outfit 1/16, laminated, nitro varnish, blackened hardwood fittings, finetuner tailpiece, cas


LV-1544 | Leonardo Elementary series violin outfit 4/4 4/4

violin outfit 4/4, all solid, nitro varnish, blackened hardwood fittings, finetuner tailpiece, case


LV-1534 | Leonardo Elementary series violin outfit 3/4 3/4

violin outfit 3/4, all solid, nitro varnish, blackened hardwood fittings, finetuner tailpiece, case


LV-1512 | Leonardo Elementary series violin outfit 1/2 1/2

violin outfit 1/2, all solid, nitro varnish, blackened hardwood fittings, finetuner tailpiece, case


LV-1514 | Leonardo Elementary series violin outfit 1/4 1/4

violin outfit 1/4, all solid, nitro varnish, blackened hardwood fittings, finetuner tailpiece, case


LV-1518 | Leonardo Elementary series violin outfit 1/8 1/8

violin outfit 1/8, all solid, nitro varnish, blackened hardwood fittings, finetuner tailpiece, case


LV-1644 | Leonardo Elementary series violin outfit 4/4 4/4

violin outfit 4/4, all solid, nitro varnish, ebony fittings, finetuner tailpiece, case, bow


LV-1634 | Leonardo Elementary series violin outfit 3/4 3/4

violin outfit 3/4, all solid, nitro varnish, ebony fittings, finetuner tailpiece, case, bow


LV-1612 | Leonardo Elementary series violin outfit 1/2 1/2

violin outfit 1/2, all solid, nitro varnish, ebony fittings, finetuner tailpiece, case, bow


LV-1614 | Leonardo Elementary series violin outfit 1/4 1/4

violin outfit 1/4, all solid, nitro varnish, ebony fittings, finetuner tailpiece, case, bow


LV-1618 | Leonardo Elementary series violin outfit 1/8 1/8

violin outfit 1/8, all solid, nitro varnish, ebony fittings, finetuner tailpiece, case, bow


LV-1616 | Leonardo Elementary series violin outfit 1/16 1/16

violin outfit 1/16, all solid, nitro varnish, ebony fittings, finetuner tailpiece, case, bow


LV-1632 | Leonardo Elementary series violin outfit 1/32 1/32

violin outfit 1/32, all solid, nitro varnish, ebony fittings, finetuner tailpiece, case, bow


LV-2044 | Leonardo Student series violin outfit 4/4 4/4

violin outfit 4/4, all solid, European flamed maple, ebony fittings, oblong case, bow


LV-2034 | Leonardo Student series violin outfit 3/4 3/4

violin outfit 3/4, all solid, European flamed maple, ebony fittings, oblong case, bow


LV-2012 | Leonardo Student series violin outfit 1/2 1/2

violin outfit 1/2, all solid, European flamed maple, ebony fittings, oblong case, bow


LV-2014 | Leonardo Student series violin outfit 1/4 1/4

violin outfit 1/4, all solid, European flamed maple, ebony fittings, oblong case, bow


LV-2018 | Leonardo Student series violin outfit 1/8 1/8

violin outfit 1/8, all solid, European flamed maple, ebony fittings, oblong case, bow


LV-2016 | Leonardo Student series violin outfit 1/16 1/16

violin outfit 1/16, all solid, European flamed maple, ebony fittings, oblong case, bow


LV-5034 | Leonardo Maestro series violin outfit 3/4 3/4

violin outfit 3/4, antique varnish, well flamed, ebony fittings, bow, luxe oblong case


LV-5012 | Leonardo Maestro series violin outfit 1/2 1/2

violin outfit 1/2, antique varnish, well flamed, ebony fittings, bow, luxe oblong case


LVA-20165 | Leonardo Student series viola outfit 16.5" (42.5cm) 16.5" (42.5cm)

viola outfit 16.5" (42.5cm), all solid, flamed, ebony fittings, finetuner tailpiece, case, bow


LVA-20160 | Leonardo Student series viola outfit 16.0" (40.5cm) 16.0" (40.5cm)

viola outfit 16.0" (40.5cm), all solid, flamed, ebony fittings, finetuner tailpiece, case, bow


LVA-20155 | Leonardo Student series viola outfit 15.5" (39.5cm) 15.5" (39.5cm)

viola outfit 15.5" (39.5cm), all solid, flamed, ebony fittings, finetuner tailpiece, case, bow


LVA-20150 | Leonardo Student series viola outfit 15.0" (38.0cm) 15,0" (38,0cm)

viola outfit 15.0" (38.0cm), all solid, flamed, ebony fittings, finetuner tailpiece, case, bow


LVA-20140 | Leonardo Student series viola outfit 14.0" (35.5cm) 14.0" (35.5cm)

viola outfit 14.0" (35.5cm), all solid, flamed, ebony fittings, finetuner tailpiece, case, bow


LVA-20130 | Leonardo Student series viola outfit 13.0" (33.0cm) 13.0" (33.0cm)

viola outfit 13.0" (33.0cm), all solid, flamed, ebony fittings, finetuner tailpiece, case, bow


LC-1044 | Leonardo Elementary series cello outfit 4/4 4/4

cello outfit 4/4, laminated, nitro varnish, blackened hardwood fittings, bag and bow


LC-1034 | Leonardo Elementary series cello outfit 3/4 3/4

cello outfit 3/4, laminated, nitro varnish, blackened hardwood fittings, bag and bow


LC-1012 | Leonardo Elementary series cello outfit 1/2 1/2

cello outfit 1/2, laminated, nitro varnish, blackened hardwood fittings, bag and bow


LC-1014 | Leonardo Elementary series cello outfit 1/4 1/4

cello outfit 1/4, laminated, nitro varnish, blackened hardwood fittings, bag and bow


LC-1018 | Leonardo Elementary series cello outfit 1/8 1/8

cello outfit 1/8, laminated, nitro varnish, blackened hardwood fittings, bag and bow


LC-2044 | Leonardo Elementary series cello outfit 4/4 4/4

cello outfit 4/4, all solid, nitro varnish, ebony fittings, bag and bow


LC-2078 | Leonardo Elementary series cello outfit 7/8 7/8

cello outfit 7/8, all solid, nitro varnish, ebony fittings, bag and bow


LC-2034 | Leonardo Elementary series cello outfit 3/4 3/4

cello outfit 3/4, all solid, nitro varnish, ebony fittings, bag and bow


LC-2012 | Leonardo Elementary series cello outfit 1/2 1/2

cello outfit 1/2, all solid, nitro varnish, ebony fittings, bag and bow


LC-2014 | Leonardo Elementary series cello outfit 1/4 1/4

cello outfit 1/4, all solid, nitro varnish, ebony fittings, bag and bow


LC-2018 | Leonardo Elementary series cello outfit 1/8 1/8

cello outfit 1/8, all solid, nitro varnish, ebony fittings, bag and bow


LC-2010 | Leonardo Elementary series cello outfit 1/10 (49cm body) 1/10

cello outfit 1/10 (49cm body), all solid, nitro varnish, ebony fittings, bag and bow


LC-2744-M | Leonardo Student series cello outfit 4/4 4/4

cello outfit 4/4, all solid, mat nitro varnish, well flamed, ebony fittings, bag and bow


LC-2734-M | Leonardo Student series cello outfit 3/4 3/4

cello outfit 3/4, all solid, mat nitro varnish, well flamed, ebony fittings, bag and bow


LC-2712-M | Leonardo Student series cello outfit 1/2 1/2

cello outfit 1/2, all solid, mat nitro varnish, well flamed, ebony fittings, bag and bow


LB-134 | Leonardo Elementary series double bass 3/4 3/4

double bass 3/4, laminated, nitro varnish shaded, blackened hardwood fingerboard, with bag and bow


LB-112 | Leonardo Elementary series double bass 1/2 1/2

double bass 1/2, laminated, nitro varnish shaded, blackened hardwood fingerboard, with bag and bow


LB-114 | Leonardo Elementary series double bass 1/4 1/4

double bass 1/4, laminated, nitro varnish shaded, blackened hardwood fingerboard, with bag and bow


LB-118 | Leonardo Elementary series double bass 1/8 1/8

double bass 1/8, laminated, nitro varnish shaded, blackened hardwood fingerboard, with bag and bow

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